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Elven Alliance Proxy Fantasy Football Team & Support staff - Ugni

Elven Alliance Proxy Fantasy Football Team & Support staff - Ugni

Regular price £19.99
Regular price Sale price £19.99
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Fantastic Ugni Team:

Bases not included

"The idea behind the team is that the elven alliance is made up of representatives of all elven species. Dark elves are appointed as the harsh Blitzers. In the position of throwers noble high elves, catchers - dodgy forest elves. Among the linemen there are representatives of all elves."


Part 1:

Lineman x6
Thrower x2
Catcher x2
Blitzer x2
Re-Roll Coin x1
Ball x2
Team Marker x1

Part 2:

Lineman x1
Catcher x2
Coach x1
Apothecary x1
Cheerleader x4
Velen Shift x1 (Star Player)
Lucius Shift x1 (Star Player)
Cobler Crimwich x1 (Star Player)

Full set:

Parts 1 & 2

Core Team - Players:

Lineman x7
Thrower x2
Catcher x4
Blitzer x2
Re-Roll Coin x1
Ball x2
Team Marker x1

About our Prints:

- Made to order – Beware of other sellers and hollow prints
- Colour: Grey
- Material: Eco Resin
- Quality: Printed on the latest 12K printers at 0.030 layer height for better detail than other sellers
- Designs by


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This product is not a toy and is not suitable for babies or young children and can be a choking and ingestion hazard

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